For more information or to book a free preliminary meeting contact us.
"Using an appreciative inquiry model, Ken facilitated a most worthwhile and productive session with participants that were both internal and external to the organization. His engaging style and invitational approach created an atmosphere where all participants felt so at ease that they engaged fully in the dialogue and activities. It was clear from the outset that Ken's confidence in his abilities gave him the flexibility to "go with the crowd"; getting us to our destination without needing to have total control of the journey.
At the conclusion of the event, all participants had nothing but positive feedback for Ken and the work that he did with us. If your organization is looking for someone that will draw out what it is needed in any visioning or strategic planning process, it is with the highest degree of confidence that I would strongly recommend that Ken is the best person to do this. I have worked with many external facilitators and, by far, this session was among the best."
John De Favri
Executive Director
Appreciative Inquiry
When considering the development of a training or coaching system for our clients, we start by looking at what is working correctly for the organization. The following illustrates how the Appreciative Inquiry process works:
1. Starting with the "Discovery" stage we search out what the organization does well in order to understand the strength it possesses.
2. The "Dream" stage is where we consider what "might be" if we could achieve your ultimate vision for the organization.
3. We get down to the hard work of the "Designing" stage by determining what you as an organization want, based on your values.
4. Finally, we strive for the "Destiny" stage where we start implementing. As we work towards the desired destiny of the organization there are iterations of the Appreciative Inquiry cycle that refine the process until we achieve your desired outcome.

Collaboration at Every Stage
At Focus on Leadership we believe in the collaborative work of each particpant in the process. We endevour to draw the best from each member of your team. Culminating in a synergetic result that involves, inspires and mobilizes each participant as the organization aspires to its potential.