Training Programs
Executive Leadership Development
This is a 52 week custom designed program that will align with the requirements and requests of the client. The staff member's current proficiencies and capacity will determine how the modules will be built to best meet the immediate and long-term leadership objectives of the client. The following outline is an overview of the scope and definition of the program in its genesis:
Module One: Transformational Leader
Course Overview:
Transformational Leaders have a tremendous impact. They can empower teams to grow and work together, envision the future, embrace change, and maximize performance. This course will help you develop authentic leadership qualities that motivate and drive others to reach their full potential, and become the transformational leaders of the future.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of the course the student will demonstrate:
Bring about valuable and positive change in those you lead.
Increase engagement, motivation and morale in your team.
Enhance performance of individuals and the team.
Provide an authentic role model that inspires followership and develop others into leaders.
Course Outline:
1 - Defining Transformational Leadership
Comparing Leadership Styles
Developing the Attitudes and Beliefs of a Transformational Leader
2 - Being an Authentic Leader
Knowing Who You Are
Fostering Authenticity and Credibility
3 - Demonstrating Leadership Practice
Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership
Modeling the Way
Inspiring a Shared Vision
Challenging the Process
Enabling Others to Act
Encouraging the Heart
4 - Building Engagement and Motivation
Understanding the Drivers of Employee Engagement
Motivating Like a Transformational Leader
5 - Optimizing Performance
Training for Performance
Supporting Performance through Partnership
Unlocking Potential
Developing and Transforming Careers
6 - Mentoring Leaders
Growing Leaders
Putting Relationships First
Focusing on Character
Capitalizing on Strengths
Showing Optimism and Not Skepticism
Seeking Passion and Success
7 - Committing to Transformational Leadership
Developing an action plan to apply the principles of Transformational Leadership
Module Two: Servant Leadership
Course Overview:
This foundational and introductory course seeks to develop an understanding of the best principles and practices of leadership. The student will gain insight into their leadership potential, gifts, values, preferences, style, and skill levels. They will grow in their ability to think and respond as leaders in whatever settings they serve. Students will implement their understanding of leadership and reflect on those implementations.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course the student will demonstrate:
actions and attitudes that reflect a Biblical approach to leadership that is also informed by current leadership theory and practices.
an understanding of team dynamics by cooperating with other class members in a team setting.
an approach to leadership that reflects the integration of an organic paradigm and the complexity of systems dynamics.
their own personalized leadership approach by identifying their character strengths, personality profile, leadership style, and growth challenges based on self-awareness, reflection and feedback.
their modified leadership approach as they accomplish Kingdom work on a regional, national or international level in a ministry or marketplace setting.
Course Outline:
1 - Introduction to Leadership Styles
An introduction to relational leadership styles
A comparison of relational leadership styles
When to apply various leadership styles
2 - History and Principles of Servant Leadership
Robert Greenleaf's research
The nine principles of Servant Leadership
3 - Power and Authority
Understanding power and authority
Uses and misuses of power and authority
An application in chaos and complexity
4 - Strengths and Weaknesses of Servant Leadership
An analysis of Servant Leadership pros and cons
Identifying the limitations and when not to apply this model
5 - Principles of Ethical Cross-Cultural Communication
Identifying various cultures within an organization
keys to effective communication
applying effective communication within an organization
6 - Models of Organizational Change
A study and comparison of models of organizational change
Principles for when and how to facilitate change
7 - Strategic Implementation of Organizational Change
Developing an action plan to utilize Servant Leadership within your organization
Module Three: Missional Leadership
Course Overview:
This course explores the literature of leadership theory, organizational behavior and group dynamics as a foundation for leading churches and faith based non- profit ministries in the changing cultural contexts and challenges of Canada.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course the student will demonstrate:
Understand the concept of the Missio Dei and God’s activity in the changing cultural climate of Canada.
Understand current theories of leadership and their relationship to the Missio Dei.
Be aware of the cultural and group dynamics of churches and organizations, and the role that leadership plays.
Develop and implement their own model of leadership for a changing world.
Course Outline:
1 - Understanding Missional Organizations
Understanding the mission
Understanding the relationship of the individual and the organization to the mission
Applying the function of the organization to the mission
2 - Adaptive Leadership
Chaos and Complexity Theories
Discontinuous change model
Adaptability training
Adaptability and Agility in Leadership
3 - Organizational Culture and Leadership, Part 1
What is organizational culture?
Who define an organization's culture?
The importance of organizational culture
4 - Organizational Culture and Leadership, Part 2
Models of change for organizational culture
Best practices for creating positive change
Sustaining organizational culture
5 - Leading Groups and Teams, Part 1
The difference between groups and teams
Leading and developing teams
Shared leadership and teams
Team Dynamics
6 - Leading Groups, Part 2
Types and uses of groups and teams
When and how to utilize various groups or teams
7 - Toward a Theory of Missional Leadership, Part 1
What is Missional?
Equipping your organization to reach a changing world
The leadership role in a missional context
8 - Toward a Theory of Missional Leadership, Part 2
Developing an action plan for applying missional principles
Module Four: An Integrated Leadership Model
Course Overview:
This advanced course helps the student integrate the three prominent relational models of leadership into a personalized and customized approach for their personality and context. Focus will be on the person of the leader and how they relate to their followers. Strategies will be developed to help the leader find new approaches to influencing and inspiring their followers to stronger performance
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course the student will demonstrate:
a fuller knowledge of their leadership capacity as it relates to their personality.
an understanding of the leader/follower dynamic and how best to enhance that relationship.
an integrated understanding of the three relational models of leadership and their effect on organizational structure and function.
an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of an integrated model of leadership as it applies to accomplishing organizational objectives.
Course Outline:
1 - Introduction to an Integrated Model of Leadership
What is an Integrated Model of Leadership
Building an Integrated Model
Criteria for success with an Integrated Leadership Model
2 - Integration as a method of developing Leader/Follower Effectiveness
The importance of the Leader/Follower relationship
The bi-directional interplay between Leaders and Follower in an Integrated Model
How this model best performs for both Leaders and Followers
3 - The Integrated leadership approach and its effect on strategic thinking and planning.
How this model inspires a sense of purpose and direction
Strengths in focusing strategically
Harnessing information and opportunities
Applying judgement, intelligence and foresight
4 - How an Integrated Leadership approach achieve results
Building organizational capacity and responsiveness
Marshaling professional expertise
Steering and implementing change and dealing with uncertainty
Ensuring closure and delivers on intended results
The cost for this 52 week Executive Leadership Development course is $12,500 (HST included).